Monday, August 2, 2010

Add Card Games

Use Excel a long time, feeling a little tired, let us take a break, play a card game. Select "Tools" menu under "custom" command, open the "Customize" window, click the "Order" tab card, the "Category" select "Tools" from the "command" to find a card shape and a "self- the definition of "drag the icon name used in the toolbar, close the Customize window, then click on the button with a bar, you can start playing cards card games.

Expert Comment:
I recommended this technique, she might be selected. Have a great software industry has said: I hope that his software can make work a pleasure. Perhaps the time being, this is not possible, but fun in the software, from the skills you have already seen. If I tell you, Excel 2000 has a 3D Speed game you do not think this is talking nonsense? Speed game I've played this, and believe it or not.

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